David & Shirley

Home Our House Family Critters Music

    David and Shirley moved to the Los Gatos mountains in 2007...he's still with the Santa Clara Public Defender's office.  Shirley finished graphic arts school earning a BA, but is busy with Alex, Samantha, and Jacob these days!  Thankfully, they've made the trek down here a couple of times since we moved and Ron sees them whenever he drives up north, usually once a month.  Shirley is a terrific mom to our Brasiliano-Italiano-Choctaw-English grandkidlets! We love seeing the five of them together!

Here are 30 (old!) pictures featuring David's branch of the Tarica family! 
Click on the little arrow- head to the right of the last thumbnail to see the rest.
Current 'photos will have to wait until my next update!!


Alex and Shirley in March, 2005.

Home Up Our House Critters Music